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Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Aargh! still no upload tool, I guess I'd better email the administrator. It may be that I just have too many files but I can't even see them to delete them!

64 days and counting ~ I was thinking it would be less for some reason. I am learning loads from my orthognathic support group, I don't know what I'd do without that site! I have a feeling that what I'm learning now and the little things I can do to prepare ahead of time will make my recovery go a LOT quicker.

OMG!! the worst and scary thing to me (besides the possiblity of not waking up!) is what it will feel like to wake up with tubes everywhere. I read that most ppl have a catheter (!!!!!!!!!) and a tube down their throat to remove blood from your stomach so you don't get sick. Plus the IV..... I am most worried about the catheter LOL maybe that's stupid, but it's really freaking me out knowing that I will be put to sleep and somebody will be doing that! OMG LOL! I never thought of this until a couple days ago, I was hoping I'd be able to go to the washroom on my own?! Yikes! I guess we'll see what happens ~ some ppl said they woke up with both tubes removed, other ppl didn't even need a catheter apparently.

I went to the Fundy gateway in St. Martin's the other day, the first trail I had never been on was called the Sea Captain's Burial Grounds and it was SOOO beautiful! What an amazing place to be buried, I don't know why but the unusual birds chirping and the huge trees were so serene, it was like heaven! The second trail was one down the mountainside to Melvin beach. It was marked "challenging" and the first part of it you have to hold onto wire ropes ~ I made it past those without falling LOL and then it was flat for a while, and then STRAIGHT down, flat, straight down etc. I finally made it to the bottom and there was a beautiful brook that looked like it had never been seen by human eyes and the trail continued on along the brook. I didn't have time to keep going (it looked like a long ways still to the beach) so I headed back up the trail ~ OMG it was like climbing mount everest! I thought I would have a heart attack by the time I got to the top LOL I thought I would never get there. I want to try it again sometime but you'd need most of the day to explore and regain your energy before going back up ~ and when I went it had been raining so the trail was muddy and slippery, I almost fell a few times going down.

Time for lunch now ~ my tooth is bothering me a lot today, one of the two that come together. I hope I don't bust it like the one on the other side!!!!! There is so much pressure on that one tooth, even if I eat soft foods it doesn't matter b/c whenever I quickly close my mouth/jaw the entire force ends up on that one tooth, and when I sleep I tend to have my mouth clenched shut. I am going to ask dr sherrard if he can at least straighten it a little, I think that is the main problem, one edge comes down further then the other teeth.

oighrig 1:16 PM - [Link]