Blogging With Dr P...
(Part 2)
What I
like about the different contrasts of the cultures & landscapes of
travelling to foreign countries,
is the absolute diversity one can find, even at the basic level. Yes,
I'm talking cowboys.
the Wild West, one can find a wide variety of cowboys. Take this
chappie on the left here. I snapped him with the old swivel lens after we had just gone
for breakfast at Cracker Barrel.
Don't be fooled by the matcho stance whilst leaning against the post -
he had three little daughters, his wife, and some other guy with him.
When we were waiting inside the store/restaurant for our table, him and
his friend were standing in the corner - I thought they were part of
some exhibit, or promotion! Luckily, they weren't armed except for the
visual armoury of bad taste boots which
was kind of offending to the eyes.
On the
otherhand, this guy on the truck was definately something to talk
about. We were on our way to Sterling,
when I spied this guy on this side of the dusty highway. And sure
enough, as Sue spun the car around to go back to get a closer look at
him - it was, indeed, a cowboy playing a guitar on the back of his
truck! I mean, he was out in the middle of nowhere. (Actually he was on
the city limits of Thornton
as you can see, but it was all fields and housing developments being
built in the distance). Very bizarre. But allow me to disgress a minute
from the current cowboy theme. I did come across another example of
this need/want/wish to be standing out in the middle of nowhere playing
a musical instrument .
Now this
young man deserves some kind of special award.
There we were, minding our own business, just leaving one of those
outrageously large, (sprawled across several hundreds of acres of
former Arapaho hunting grounds), American shopping
malls, when the school bus pulled up. The driver got out, and so
did the lad with the saxaphone. The driver went off for a coffee or
something, and the lad just started to jam - all
by himself. If you are concerned about this young man's welfare, or
just want to grass him up to
the authorities, then click here
- it'll take you to the St. Vrain
Valley School District website. I'm sure he'll be famous one day
- and be playing bigger shopping malls across Colorado. Maybe him and
the cowboy should get together? :)
But I must get back to the subject at hand - cowboys. How can you not
come so far west and get some decent pictures of cowboys in action?
This is
Jon. Jon is a modern day
cowboy - as you can see from the baseball cap, and the super new high
tensile, industrial, orange fluro rope he is holding in the
non-slip/friction 21st century comfy
wear cowboy gloves he has on. Jon has a small ranch just
outside Denver.
Helping Jon on the ranch is this guy - Able. Both Jon & Able were
very willing to show off their roping skills.
the day we were there, they were practising for a local competition
where there would have been some cash prizes for various cowboy type activities.
Of course, not wishing to be left out of anything, I decided to show
them cowboys just what a city slicker
like me can do. So, "I mossied on over to the coral and picked me the
meanest looking critter I could find!".....sort of.....lol. Then I
plunged myself into the roping arena!
Okay - I know what it looks like. It looks like some daft English guy
on a horse being lead around a coral by the bloke who owns it. But what
is really happening here is that I'm in control of a wild stallion
whose bucking bronco antics
have been brought under control by my superb horsemanship. In fact, I'd
just saved Jon from being trampled to death* - which is why everyone
is smiling - except the horse.
Actually, the horse was probably thinking:
"I know what's going on here. I'm going to end up on this English guy's
website as Unamed Horse - it's so humilating! Maybe I
should behave like a wild stallion and throw the little bugger off my
back?! Nah - Jon wouldn't feed me later on. S'pose I'll just play the tourist horse for the camera".
(* You know this really never happened don't you? LOL)
And just to show you that I can really control a horse under my own
steam, here' a little piccie of me directing Sue how to use the digital
camera to get the right piccie of me posing on the horse....lol. Look
at the horsemanship. The
poise. The balance. The disregard for his own safety in the field of battle, as he aids his
wife in getting the right results with the camera.
It must have been tough on those wagon trains in the pioneering days
when the nearest flash card distributor was either in Portland, Maine
......or Portland, Oregon....lol...:)
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This is a disclaimer. You have just read the Colorado Adventure February 2004 of
Paul & Sue. Nothing written here is
meant be be offensive. If you are offended - go join a bible group. No
offense to bible group members intended. (Good grief!). Copyright @ Dr
P Woodgnome 2004.