Blogging With Dr P...
(Part 4)
On Wednesday 17th February 2004,
(that's for those of you who have just dropped in here from some search
engine somewhere and don't know what the hell is going on!), Sue &
I took to the moutains - ye ha!
Okay - calm down. Take a look at these few pics first. Remember that
Denver is "a mile high", right? Well the large lumps of earth that
surround it are called the Rocky
Mountains. Here is what they look like from a car whilst driving
around Denver...

Of course one of the most interesting tourist attractions in the Denver
area, is, of course, the Rocky Moutains. But time constraints, (and
this really only was a trip to "meet the folks" and friends), and the
fact that the rental car would never had made it into the real moutains (!) meant we spent
our time skirting around the foothills. But what bloody big foothills!
It sort of unnerving when you get to the base of the foothills and you
see this kind of sign:
And believe you me - watch out for
rocks I did! Thankfully we spared any landslides. Lets be honest, you
really wouldn't want any of this
falling on you, would you?

So, off we went up into the
foothills. We were heading off to a particular tourist attraction,
which I shall talk about and show you in a minute. But on the way we
stumbled across something which has always amused me about a certain aspect of
the American education system. Now, this may seem perfectly normal to
you guys across the pond, as
it were, but the whole idea of fraternity
houses on campus' always seemed a little weird to me. And after my
limited contact, (movies, Paul Wittemann :), and my lovely wife,
Sue), with the whole concept of these fraternity 'things', it was a
nice surprise to stumble across:

The Colorado School of Mines!
As part of my civic duty to those parents reading this webpage whose
sons & daughters may be attending the CSM, I felt you should know
where your money is being spent. Remember when little Johnny asked for
some more money because his cruel landlord was threatening to evict
him? Rubbish! Little Johnny is shacked up in one of these splendid
looking fraternity houses! These things were little palaces, as you can
see :) (I'm sure the security tapes have been looked at by now, and
they'll have traced the rental car back to the airport. Even I'll admit
it did look kinda dodgey driving through the campus taking photos :) ).
But, anyway, the CSM was only on the way to our original tourist
destination. Somewhere up Lookout
Mountain is:
Yes, it is. At approx. 7400ft
above sea level is the grave of one of the most famous western
Frederick Cody - more famously known as "Buffalo Bill".
grave & museum is less than 30 minutes from downtown Denver.
Take I-70 west
to exit 256 (marked Buffalo Bill Grave), then follow the signs.
Or take 6th Avenue
West to Golden and turn left onto the Lariat Trail (19th Street).
Follow the scenic
winding road to the top of the mountain. The second route is the more
exciting one - especially if your car is not designed for it! Part way
up the winding road we stopped to take a few picies overlooking the
town of Golden, and the
world famous COORS
Beer factory - which stretches about six miles long - the whole length
of the town.
The building in the far distance at
the entrance to this mountain pass is the main building of the COORS
beer plant. The town that spreads out alongside it, and in front
of it, is the historic western town of Golden.

Halfway up the windy mountain
road we stopped to take a self portrait ...lol...
And from the top of Lookout
Mountain you can get a fantastic panoramic look back at
smogbound downtown Denver :)
But, of course, the whole
reason why we were there was to see the grave of the famous guy himself
- Buffalo Bill:

Now, I DO have an idea why I
was laughing when I took another
self-portrait of myself. Because there was no-one else around, I'd just
phoned my brother Chris
back in England, and told him I had just danced a jig around Buffalo
Bill's grave whilst I was on the phone to him....lol....!

This was an arty shot. I had
to lay flat on the ground to get this. This was to show, again, that
even though it was really warm that day, there was still snow & ice
on the ground.
And, in a bizarre kind of way,
there would have been only me & Bill who could view his grave from
that level :) - unless, of course, some other strange person got on the ground
to take this kind of photo!
Here we are with a more
subdued stance.
And there are times when you
know you are about to take a great photo, and this was one of them.
The access to the grave area
was from the side steps of this platormed area, not from the main steps
you see in front of you. As we walked back around from the side to
leave, I turned around when I was directly in front of the grave to
have a last look back.
There, in front of me,
captured between those two trees was the perfectly framed shot. The
colours, the contrasts, the shapes - absolutely perfect. And the whole isolationist feeling of this grave all by
itself on top of a mountain is also captured there.
Yup - it's one of my
Following all this exhaustive
driving up mountains and furious
photographing everywhere we stopped for a break before setting
off further into the Rockies.......
.....of course....you'll have
to follow the instructions below if you want to find out what we did! :)
If you want to go back to
the main
weblog, then click here.
If you'd rather stick around and see what happens next, then click here
to take you to the next page.
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Alternatively, if you want leave a little
message for me then click here.
This is a disclaimer. You have just read
the Colorado Adventure February 2004
Paul & Sue. Nothing written here is
meant be be offensive. If you are offended - go join a bible group. No
offense to bible group members intended. (Good grief!). Copyright @ Dr
P Woodgnome 2004.