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bernadette/female/21-25. lives in canada/ontario/toronto/upper beaches, speaks english. spends 20f daytime online. uses a normal (56k) connection. likes rugby, field hockey, short track, sleeping.
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Monday, January 19, 2004


and monosyllabic chick has made a triumphant return.

as with myself. there are some things that i'd like to blog about, seeing how i have some kewl things to talk about. well, according to me, they're kewl. i don't necessarily think that anyone else may find anything i have to say interesting, but whatever.

anyways, to start with, i should give a shout out to the hollywood kids. why? because they wrote to me, asking if i would join their band. it's just a shame that the only instrument that i'm actually proficient at doesn't exactly fit in with their style of music (which, by the way, should be commended). perhaps i could join if they're lookin for the next meg white. except i don't smoke, and wear socks when i do drum.

second, i got my year review at work today. i did pretty damn well. for most things, i did the standards. but for two categories, i got commendable responses. my manager explained to me that because i do only work two shifts a week, it was hard to give me more commendable or excellent reviews, but that the two commendables that i did get were really good. anyways, at the end of it all, i did get my raise, which means that i'm getting more moolah. but not that much, because serendipity is being snooty to me these days.

third, have i ever mentioned that i TOTALLY love the people that i work with? because for the most part, i do. but there are two people at work that make my life so much more interesting. colin and brad. kinda like this year's tarek and adam, except that we (as in colin and myself) don't really work with brad all that often (brad's on the first floor, we're on the third floor). anyways, today, brad was working. i like brad because he's funny. but sometimes, it can get annoying. i was assigned to shelve some stuff in fiction, so i had my cart in the back corner, and scanned away.

then i hear in my left ear, 'what're you doing?'

i fucking FREAKED.

then i turned around. it was brad, with this huge grin on his face.

'holy shit...' he laughed.

but oh, no. the story doesn't end here. later on today, i was on the phone with a customer, and i had the receiver on my left ear, which meant that my view of the main aisle, and anyone coming down it, was blocked. so i'm talking to the customer, and i hear in my right ear, 'hey.'

'DAMMIT!! will you STOP that already?!?!?'

so to keep myself from yelling into the phone, i had to cover the receiver with my shoulder. 'fuck off, you loser!' brad just laughed. later on, when i was putting the book on the holds shelf downstairs, i passed by him, and said, 'dude, i HATE you!!'

'hey BUDDY.'


as for colin, he's another story altogether. first, the dude never smiles. unless you call him 'barn-stompin' colin', and i think that i'm about the only one that can get away with it (and i should. the guy calls me 'bernadettechi' for no reason, other than to bother me). one day, one of the managers asked him, 'would it hurt you to smile?' i wouldn't be surprised if it did. second, he talks about the most random things, you wonder what the hell goes on in that brain of his.

but saturday was the best weird conversation yet.

as we were getting ready to go home, he asks me, 'did your parents ever make you wear those slush pants (you know, kinda like track pants, but without the extra lining inside) as a kid?'

'yeah. why?'

'when i have kids, i'm never going to make them wear those pants.' at this point, he has a pair of slush pants himself that he's planning to change in to.

'why not?'

'it's embarassing. and traumatic.'

'so what are those in your hand?'

'slush pants.'

'and what are you going to do with them?'

'i'm going to wear them.'

'but didn't you just say that it was embarassing?'

'yeah, but i'm going to wear them inside my pants.'


'so, waitaminute...you're not going to force your kids to wear slush pants over their regular pants, because it's embarassing and traumatic, but you're going to let them wear slush pants inside their regular pants, defeating the whole PURPOSE of slush pants, run the risk of having them being called 'frumpy-ass', and THAT'S not traumatic?'

he looked at me. i shook my head. then i went to the bathroom. when i returned, he asked me, 'so what was that name that you gave me?'

'i dunno. i give a lot of names to a lot of people.'

'no...the one about my pants?'

'oh, you mean frumpy-ass? the name that your kids are going to be sujected to if you let them wear slush pants inside their regular pants?' i couldn't take anymore of this. i got outta there.

weird, huh?

and this is only ONE of many weird conversations that we'd had. he's an odd one, that colin.

in other news: actually, i don't have anything else to say. other than the fact that i have to read three more books of homer's iliad for tomorrow, but that's not all that interesting.


bernadette walked against the wind at... 11:57 PM - [Link]

Wednesday, January 14, 2004


and gah.

i haven't had much to blog about the last little while, hence no blogging has gone on.

that, compounded with the fact that i really have got my shit together this term, after last term's fiasco, and you have the makings of a very boring girlchild.

really, this is basically how every day goes for me...

-wake up
-go to library before lecture/seminar
-go to lecture/seminar
-go to library after lecture/seminar
-*sometimes* go to hart house to work out
-*sometimes* go to agd house
-go to library after going to agd house
-go home to watch mandatory one episode of simpsons
-go to bed


i'm boring!!

but at least i've established myself at trin, robarts, and soon-to-be-pratt-on-sundays.

in other news: i've got a pretty new laptop. here it is...

the picture does it no justice. the top is actually a lot uglier.

but can you say 'score'?

it's the compaq evo n620c. i'm not too sure how it compares to the other things that are out there on the market, because we all know how into this tech shit i am, right?

but all i know is that it's faster than the compaq armada that i've been using for the past four years. plus, it's got one of those touchpad things, which i'm not liking right now, on account of the fact that i seem to have lost all control of my hands and such. but other than that, it's pretty swell.

i thinks that i'ma gonna keeps it. word.

in even other news: i dunno what the hell's going on with my back account, but i have money.

no, not just the crappy 7 cent interest rate that i get monthly.

i went to the bank today to pay off the rest of my tuition fees. yeah, the ones that i was supposed to pay off way back near the beginning of the academic year. but the thing was that when i added his465, i was already registered in 4 1/2 courses, because there was no guarantee that i was going to get in the course. plus, i couldn't take the course in the summer because it's never been offered then, and i needed it for early grad (which we all know ain't gonna happen, on account of the fact that if i go through another year of summer school, it's very likely that my head will explode).

but i digress.

i went to pay off the fees. the teller set my account so that i could pay off future fees directly from my account, and at my convenience (why didn't they do this THREE YEARS AGO?!?!?). so she gave me the statement.

i look at it.

'so, did you withdraw the money from my account to pay off the fees?'

'yes. look there.'

wtf?!?! there's NO way that i could have just paid off my tuition, and STILL have that much money in my account.

then i thought, yeah, but i still have to pay mam for the ST stuff.

nope, that still doesn't account for that much money in the ole account.

oh wait...there's still the stuff on the mastercard.

nope, it's still doesn't add up.

what about adg fees?

negative. you've still got enough to head out on a decent road trip. no fucking way in hell.

so what accounts for all this?

i dunno.

and i don't care. i've got cash!! hahah...

nah, seriously, for the first time ever in life, i've actually managed to save some cash. but i didn't expect that i'd have that much. maybe it's time to pick up those pay stubs from work.

but it's still a plesant surprise. i can afford to eat this week.

and just to sum it up: not too much else to say.

actualy, there is.

my hair is no longer that weird asian faction orange it was turning. it's now brown.

so yeah.

i'm going to bed.

i'm pretty tired.


bernadette walked against the wind at... 1:28 AM - [Link]

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

 new beginnings

holy sweet merciful crap.

i haven't blogged since...LAST YEAR! AURGHHH...*head spontaneously combusts*

nah, i'm just kidding. that was a really lame joke, and i acknowledge the fact that it really was one.

which is a new beginning. normally, i would've just continued on with the post as regularly scheduled, and not made a note of it. but now, i'm pretty contented with noting my faults.

anyways, i've decided that i'm going to be dropping a course. the bane of my existence, or the his109 of the fall/winter session 2003-2004, also known as trn419.

i'm just not happy with it. plus, i had to go and talk to my registrar about it. that's never a good sign. granted, once she found out about what had been going on for the past few months, she was sympathetic, but at this point in time, i think that i'm just too far behind to catch up.

i had the three assignements done, but as i was reading them over again last night, i realised that i'm capable of SO much more than what i had written. all three papers were absolute shit, and because i was planning to hand them in on thursday, i won't have enough time to rewrite any of them.

so early grad be damned.

i'm gonna be a sloth, and graduate when i'm supposed to.

at the same time, i'm kinda pissed off that i'm losing my tuition. i dunno how it works in the us, or at any other university for that matter, but at u of t, there are certain dates that you can drop a course by, and still receive some reimbursment for the course.

unfortunately, the last date that i could have possibly gotten a refund for was at the end of november.

can you say 'sucks like a mofo'?

anyways, so i'm that much poorer now. but at the same time, i'm also a bit happier.

plus, there are a few things that i want to do over the summer, now that it appears that i'm going to be HAVING a summer. so i'm pretty happy about that. i can finally do that quebec french exchange programme that the government is providing me.

so HAH. sucks to trn419.

in other news: i'm seeing a shrink.

no, seriously, i am.

i'm seeing one because there were a lot of unresolved feelings that i had when my aunt died. plus, even though i was talking to a lot of people about it, it just didn't feel all that therapeutic. i think that it was because people just knew me, and couldn't really offer an outsider's opinion for fear of offending me...or some mumbo-jumbo like that.

psycho-babble, baby. eat your heart out, freud.

anyways, i think that it's really going to help me out a bit. so that's all she wrote, folks.

it should be interesting. i kinda feel like paris from gilmore girls.

excect that i'm not THAT loud.

in even further news: remember those papers taht i had due WAY back in november?

got one of them back. japanese history. spent a day and a half researching, writing, editing, and typing.

what do i get?


what would i have gotten had i handed it in on time?


and this is why we don't procrastinate, folks.

i mean, i suppose that it coujld be worse. it's just shitty knowing that i'm capable of pulling off good papers, but because i'm such a lazyass, i'm not getting the grades that i know that i should.

so this is MY resolution: just hand the fucking things in on TIME. and all will be well in the world.

just to sum it up: i finally got some new tunes and books. i was finished reading those things on my sidebar AGES ago. just didn't feel like updating.

so check them out when you get the chance.

and check y'all later.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 4:57 PM - [Link]

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