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bernadette/female/21-25. lives in canada/ontario/toronto/upper beaches, speaks english. spends 20f daytime online. uses a normal (56k) connection. likes rugby, field hockey, short track, sleeping.
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Thursday, July 31, 2003

 bernadette's health update

no, i don't have SARS or anything.

but i AM currently in the hospital. i was sicker than i thought, and was actually physically sick on tuesday.

of course, tuesday HAD to be my seminar presentation day, worth 20% of my final mark. i ran outta the class like there was no tomorrow, and luckily made it to the loo before the gore started spewing everywhere. then i lay on the floor in front of the porcelain for a good half hour before i got up, went back to class, gathered my stuff, and went home. i never did finish my presentation.

so, i wonder how that's gonna reflect on my mark?

i'm going home tomorrow though. in time to meet up with michelle, a good friend of mine from high school.

actually, here she is. . .

don't make fun of the bangs. it WAS the 12th grade, after all. and i know, my head is HUGE!!

anyways, the bulk of it was just stress. a LOT of it. i just wasn't taking care of myself the way that i should have.

i guess that one week where i practically lived off of coffee (and ONLY coffee) didn't help matters too much.

in other news: i only have one more week of summer school left. huzzah. that means that i'll have THREE (count 'em, THREE) weeks of summer fun. booyah. unfortunately, i don't think that my funds will allow me to travel anywhere exotic or anything like that. i may just head out to the east coast again.

but next year, i think i'm going to plan WAY ahead. i want to go to costa rica. or fiji. or tahiti. somewhere exotic.

anyways, i'm going to cut this short. i have to 'get my rest' (which is basically what i've been doing for the past couple of days).

cath y'all on the flip side (all three of you). heheh. . .

bernadette walked against the wind at... 10:51 PM - [Link]

Monday, July 28, 2003


i have managed to bring alexander's terrible, horrible, no-good, very-bad day to life.

i hate this monday.

nix that.

i hate monday. bad stuff just seems to happen for me on monday.

so fuck that.

i'm going home.

and maybe picking up some food on the way. i want to console myself dammit.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 8:32 PM - [Link]

 these are a few of my favourite things. . .

no, this bears no relation to a movie which gives us one of the perennial children's songs.

i'm still *writing* that paper.

i'm totally screwed.

i'm going to have to type it out at school tomorrow. i take too many damn notes. my mind thinks too damn much sometimes. i wish that i could write a paper out of several text books at once, like most normal university students can.

alas, i am not like most university students.

so here are a few of my LEAST favourite things (threw you all for a loop, didn't i?)

-people who chew with their mouths open
-people who are rude
-people who don't seem to have a firm grasp of the romanised alphabet (when does W ever come before F, huh?)
-computers (cause they always have a habit of fucking up whenever i have something important to do)
-crappy music on the radio (i want TUNES dammit. not some guy yapping. if i wanted that, i turn it to talk 640).
-heat (i'm boiling in my room)
-not having enough coffee (nuff said)
-people who come up to me while i'm shelving/on the phone/tasking in general, when there are FOUR OTHER CSR'S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU
-new sub-classes (cause i can't find anything)
-scanners and the damn batteries that die on you after you scan five things
-this stupid paper
-francis fukuyama
-political philosophy
-summer school
-smelly books
-running out of bagels

man, i'm just being a full out bitch today, aren't i?

ah well. feck all.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 1:29 AM - [Link]

Saturday, July 26, 2003

 the despair faction. . .

no, i'm not in despair.

i'm actually in good spirits, even though by all accounts, i really should be shitting my pants. i'm not even close to finishing that paper due on monday. however, i've managed to write the conclusion and introduction (in that order).

now all i have to do is turn the 20-22 pages of research that i have into coherent sentences, paragraphs, and footnotes to form the 14-16 page body of the essay.

with the way i research, i could well be ready for grad school dammit.

work sucked. i shelved two carts full of LIFESTYLES. i work in FICTION. tell me what's wrong with this picture?

and my manager told me that i'll be pulling returns ALL tomorrow. there's a good side and a bad side. the good side is that i'm actually quite good at pulling returns. i can find the books that no one else can. i can pull 3 pages of returns (even if they're singles) in about 2 hours. the bad side is that i'll be in home design and repair, in LIFESTYLES. *grrr* but then again, selma said that i won't have to put up with asshole customers. that's always good. i won't have to answer phones, and i can be left to do my own thing. she seemed really excited when she found out that i was going to be opening.

this is scary and flattering all at once.

anyways, i don't think that i mentioned what courses i've registered for. i've been registered for almost 3 weeks. it's kinda weird knowing that even though i'm going into my third year, i'm 'theoretically' in my fourth.

so here's my schedule. . .

his312: immigration to canada something that i'm familiar with. *go mam*
his341: enlightenment europe i wanted to be a despot.
his346: modern japanese intellectual history find out the secrets of sony, mitsubishi, and all those other great corporate name brands.
his465: japanese political thought professor brownlee's gonna be REALLY sick of me.
trn419: comparative foreign policy i may very well be in the wrong specialist program.
cla236: greek roman epic just a bird course. i've undoubtedly already read some of the 'required' readings (ie. virgil, homer, thuycidides, cicero).

the best part is that i get mondays and fridays off. so my week starts on tuesday and ends on thursday.

how do you like THEM fuckin' apples?!? hahahah. . .

and you'll note that i've actually changed the reads and tunes again. about time, don't you think? what a great thing it is to be a procrastinator. i think that i'll write an ode to it.

i'll do that later.

must work on paper. mustmustmustmustmustmustmust.

music: afi's 'this celluloid dream'
munchies: sour cream and onion crispy minis
mood: tired. my feet hurt.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 8:06 PM - [Link]

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

 take a little girl and tap her on her shoulder. . .

oh johnny, i am tired.

does anyone remember that song from their childhood?


neither do i. i just remember reading it in a book somewhere when i was about 10.

but aside from the little girl/johnny part, i really am tired. and i'm not the only one who feels this way. in can. ex. rels., we were given the opportunity to hand in our term papers on monday. the catch was that this applied to all in the class, but no extensions were granted to anyone. needless to say that the good majority of the class has opted to do this. i am, of course, one of the guilty.

unfortunately, i also have a presentation on the detriments of anarchy and the merits of capital liberal democracy the next day. then i have a set of the most important readings for tutorial the following day.

i am not worried about the readings. i am quite good at multitask reading. however, i AM worried about the presentation. for one, i am not the best public speaker. for another, i am not good at ACADEMIC public speaking. and though i'm supposed to be defending the argument of fukuyama, which is basically that capital liberal democracy is the way to go and is essentially the end of history, i don't agree with all of it. i don't know anything about anarchy, and i have to use 'real life' examples to prove my (or fukuyama's) point of view.

can you say 'sucking major assage'?

the thing i keep telling myself is that i'll only have one more year and one more summer session. and then imouttahere. *zoom*

but until then. . .damnhellassfart.

in other news: i gave my friend christine a call the other day. she's still such a trip. i haven't seen her in a few months, and we were basically just catching up. turns out that her friend's having a house party next weekend. so she's invited me, and hopefully i'll be able to go. catch is that it's is missasauga (i think that i may have spelt it wrong).

sleepovers are fun. sleepovers combined with kewl people and booze is even better!! i need a drink dammit.

or possibly 13 or 14. my friends from can. ex. rels. are planning our great drinking binge after the exam (which runs from 7 to 10 at NIGHT).

i think that u of t enjoys making their students writher in fear.

damn acadamia. damn you to hell.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 11:35 PM - [Link]

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

 and the race is on. . .

for me to finish that term paper.

i haven't really started it yet.

i have no motivation to do so.

but i will.

probably once i've finished blogging.

so, is anyone having trouble logging into friendster, or does the computer especially hate me, or something?

or maybe this is a sign?

probably a sign. phooey to technology.

but yeah. i've gotten a few 'requests' to be added to lists.

i sound like a call girl or something. heheh. . .

so nothing's new in my neck of the woods. i'm tired, as usual. but even moreso. i'm thinking that i'm ready for that vacation. like, NOW!! it's probably due to the fact that i spent most of last week wide awake to my life source, coffee. i seriously think that i spend about $15 on coffe in the span of 3 days. that's $15 i could've spent on tunes. damn damn damn.

ah well. could be worse. my nose isn't growing on my ass or anything, right?

time for a new pic. the other one's kinda. . .weird.

in other news: i finally took a look at my invoice for school. not looking too pretty right now. that's a damnhellasslottamoolah. i'm a brokeassuniversitystudentwithashorttrackfetish. this doesn't look too good. =(

fuck that. i'm going to both anyway (if i can). the good thing is that i have both monday and friday off. this is good. this means that i can actually go to the part of the competitions that are on friday without having to feel overtly guilty for skipping school. this also means that i don't have to haul ass home to make the monday classes which i'd fall asleep in anyways on account of the fact that i'd be too tired.

this is a plus. =)

score and booyah.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 10:42 PM - [Link]

Friday, July 18, 2003

 i am a techno wizzard!!

actually, no. i'm not. we all know that.

but, i HAVE managed to learn how to use the scanner. that is definitely a step towards technological progress.

plus, i found these pics lying around. i think that desiree and i could give the cyclops a run for its money, huh?

bernadette walked against the wind at... 3:43 PM - [Link]

Thursday, July 17, 2003

 all work and no play. . .

makes bernadette a dull girl.

a VERY dull one indeed.

but not for this chick. =)

i'm still getting b-day stuff. three weeks and counting. damn i love those late packages. the latest is another roots shirt *hear my soul crying out now*, but this is the england one.

but yesterday, i wore my aussie shirt. of course, i thought of leesa. feel special =D. i hope that the offer still stands. heheh. . .;P

i tried to do work at the reference library today. it didn't work. it's too damn nice out, and i didn't particularly get all that much sleep last night. i suppose that this is in training for the few all-nighters that i'm going to be pulling over the course of the next few days for the paper that i ahve due next wednesday. i've never written a paper that was 16-18 pages in length.

does this bother me?

not really. i always find that i never have enough space when i write 8-10 page papers, cause i end up leaving out half the notes that i write anyways. time to show off my great academic writing skills.

of course, this can work both ways, and i may very well end up looking like a complete tard.

could be worse though. at least my head's not on fire.

in other news: i can now play coldplay's 'the scientist' on the piano. cause i bought the book. surprisingly, it's not difficult at all. it took me a mere 3 hours to get it down solid.

guess all that formal training's paying off in increments. score and booyah.

maybe i should do my readings for philisophy of history.

maybe i should go to timmy ho's and get some coffee, which seems to be the main part of my diet, as of late.

maybe i'll run into my kewl dude eric again.

yeah, i think i'll do that!!

bernadette walked against the wind at... 4:01 PM - [Link]

Monday, July 14, 2003

 when the going gets tough. . .

the tough, i.e. me, go shopping.

yes. i decided to brave the MALL today. i haven't been to the mall in, like, a year an a half. OHMIGAWD!!

but see, the gift certificates were for any sheridan-fairview mall (or something like that), and eaton centre happened to be one of them.

now i know why i don't like the mall, let alone go to one very often. people walk too DAMN slow. i kept dodging them left, right, and centre, and the whole while, i was coming up with commentaries (cause we all know how meticulous i am at the note-taking thing, right?)

'and domingo makes an inside pass to overtake the PDA-ing couple. . .she's got a lead of about two and a half feet-oh no!! there's a fat guy with the beer gut to boot in her path! can she overcome him?!? wait. . .it looks like, yep, she's going for the outside pass. . .AND SHE'S DONE IT!! SHE'S BEATEN THE TRAFFIC LIGHT!! THE CROWD GOES WILD!!! *insert 'crowd going wild noises' here*

so, the only question is, if you're thinking in these terms, which would classify as an outside pass, and conversely, what would classify as an inside pass? heheh. . .

so anyways, i decided to invest in a pair of running shoes for the running that i fail to do. they're pretty nice, and the great thing about being able to wear kids' shoes is that, not only are they less expensive (i can't justify spending $250 for a pair of shoes), they also don't charge as much tax!!

fun fun fun. that's what i'm all about, dammit. =P

plus, i got a roots shirt. again. so let's count, shall we?

-one (1) white 'i leaf t.o.' shirt
-one (1) white 'vancouver 2010' shirt (it was a GIFT, dammit!!)
-one (1) red 'i leaf t.o.' tank
-one (1) navy blue 'australia' shirt

all in the span of about TWO WEEKS!! i've never really bought anything from roots in the past, yet i keep spending my money on roots crap. i'm fucking selling out to the corporations, man. but i figure if i'm going to sell out, i may as well sell out to canadiana. i figure that it's not as bad that way, right?

yeah, i know. i'm going to hell in a handbasket.

i was about to buy another cd. afi's latest. but something prevented me from doing so. world cup trips, the impending feeling of doom knowing that i still have about $70 worth of crap to pay off on the visa, and not having enough space for my other cds were all factored in my not purchasing said cd.

my stupid rational mind. why won't it stop THINKING sometimes?!?!?

in other news: i'm really liking the whole summer school thing. granted, i keep complaining about it all the bloody time, but for the most part, i really do enjoy it. and taking can. ex. rels., i'm finding a greater appreciation for canadian history, and politics, and canadiana in general (maybe THIS can justify my seemingly irrational spending habits of late).

so i watched 'the canadians', which is a program about canadian (duh) personalities on the history channel. i knew of the books, and really enjoyed them. and i knew that it was a tv show. but i never watched it, cause i never knew when it was on.

you're thinking, 'well, that's what the tv guide's for, genius,' right? well, feck off!!

anyways, it was pretty interesting. it was about sir arthur currie, who was part of the first canadian division, and fought at the battles of ypres and saint julien, amongst others, during wwi. he was later knighted by george v, and was successful in the planning and execution of vimy ridge. all this i knew.

what i DIDN'T know was his 'embezzlement' of some $10 000 in 1914 of military uniform money, and his later trial and aquittal. that was pretty interesting.

so why am i blogging about him?

i dunno. maybe just realising that for all it's worth, i really don't know all that much about my country when it comes down to the nitty gritty. which is sad.

but i have a newfound appreciation for it.

*go canada*

music: remember klakity-klack? well, it's back
munchies: i had grapes earlier today. i may buy something before class though, cause there's the distinct possibility that i may not make it until the end of lecture (at 8 tonight).
mood: there should be a new olympic sport. speed race walking. i know that you smart-asses out there are going to say that there's already speedwalking (and yes, i was aware of that), but my event should take place in the throngs of downtown cities. today was just an example. maybe i should ring up the ioc on that one, huh? lol. . .

bernadette walked against the wind at... 4:24 PM - [Link]

Friday, July 11, 2003

 friday five

before i go to bed.

yeah, i lead such a dreadfully BORING life.

1. Do you remember your first best friend? Who was it?
without a doubt. it's scott. i blogged about this a while back. he's been my best friend for the past 18 years and counting. we're going to be best friends until the end of time.

2. Are you still in touch with this person?
these days, we've been talking to each other more, cause he's back home for the summer. during the school year, cause he's out in the west coast, and i'm stuck here, we send the sporadic email and make the major holiday phone calls, but we're both busy people, and we understand each other's schedules (though this is bound to change cause, if all goes according to my master plan, we'll be graduating within a few months of each other).

3. Do you have a current close friend?
yeah. they're my kindergaten crew, which basically means that i've known most of them since i was four. of course, through the years, i've added a few more to said crew. *hi dave* but again, we've all got really schedules, so we haven't been in as close contact as we've been in the past. we try though.

4. How did you become friends with this person?
in the sandbox. that's where most of my friendships started. most of them usually started with fights over who got the little red pail. damn, i miss that red pail!!

5. Is there a friend from your past that you wish you were still in contact with? Why?
dani riehl. she got me through a LOT of shit in the 10th grade, where i really did go through that 'the world is against me, my parents don't get me, chip on my shoulder, world can bite my ass' phase. she moved to cali in the 12th grade, and we did write to each other for a bit. but we lost contact with each other. i'm hoping to get in contact before my trip out there next month.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 11:10 PM - [Link]

Thursday, July 10, 2003

 rollin' with my homies OR off on a tangent

remember that song?

yeah, i didn't think so. but trust me, you weren't missing much. after all, it was 1995. the year of 'clueless', the near-end of grunge *sigh*, and the beginning of 8th grade. and coolio was the shizz.

next thing you know, i'm going to be wearing that plaid dress with a mini-backpack, with my 'rachel' haircut (and i did have one, as sad as it is). ahhh. . .to be young again. har har har.

anyways, i've been catching up with a few friends who i haven't really talked to for a while, most of whom were from my elementary school. it's been kewl and everything, but then again, you can only speak so much of the past until you have nothing left to say. but it was nice to reminisce.

i keep getting birthday stuff. i dunno why though, as the day i came into the world kicking and screaming from mum's uterus was damn near two weeks ago. do appreciate though. i got ron sexsmith's cobblestone runway. yes, that is his real name. i like it a lot. he opened for coldplay during the latter's US leg of their tour for rush of blood. plus another thing is that he's canadian and based in toronto. and the song 'gold in them hills' is pretty good too. i think that, along with 'in my place', it'll be my 'curl up into a fetal position when the world hates me and cry in the dark' song. also got soledad brothers. it's pretty good. quite bluesy.

so i suppose that it's time to change the 'currently spinning' section of the page.

i'll do that later. as time goes by, some things never change. *procrastination forever*

i also got the norah jones songbook. of course, i don't know any of the guitar chords, and some of the pieces are more complex than the performances on the disc, but hey, something to look forward to by the end of summer school. i want to get the coldplay one though.

speaking of summer school, there are only about 4 more weeks left. sadly, i don't have all that much money saved up. which means that cali might have to wait for a little bit (probably during frosh week, so the first week of september). money sucks.

speaking of money, i got a form of it today. in certificates. this means that i can buy new running shoes. this is good, because even though i have three pairs, none of the three are in great condition. one pair i had to actually SEW up (talk about ghetto), one has a hole on the side of the left shoe, and the other one is turning into borderline sandals. needless to say, i need some damn running shoes.

yep. running shoes for the running that i try (and usually fail) to do. ah well. all good though.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 11:36 PM - [Link]

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

 confessions of a raging insomniac


so i don't have any real confessions, nor am i all that much of a raging insomniac. i'm going to be going to bed soon, as i have to get up to run *gasp* tomorrow at 6. which is in about 4 hours from now.

call it some form of inhuman torture. or my summer insanity plea. i personally don't care. =P

anyways, i just wanted to thank my friends aka the lurkers for the b-day stuff. i really appreciated!! =) i got TWO of those 'i leaf t.o.' roots shirts (a white short sleeved one and a red tank top). i *bought* a speedo exercise ball (those things are fun and versatile. who needs a chair when you have a BALL?!?!?). i also got a few kewl shirts (as if i didn't have enough of those already). by far, the best one without a doubt has to be the 'rusty's' shirt. it's friggin HILARIOUS!! it's basically an advert for a 'lounge' in cottonwood, arizona.

don't ask me. i don't know where that is either. i don't even know if the place still exists. however, i'm going to employ its use during the calgary, and possibly the marquette, world cup. and probably the us championships as well.

i've also been told that i'm getting some sort of computer contraption of some sort. i'm afraid of that, but hey, i won't complain over free stuff. free stuff is good when you don't have money.

today's been uneventful. i sent my linkin park rolls of film to be developed. now all i have to do is sent in my chicoutimi stuff, and it'll be all good.

this is procrastination at its best, folks.

topic of discussion: what should we do with stupid people?

i think that stupid people should be blasted off into space. preferably in the direction of the sun. similar to the episode of the simpsons where the best of humanity was sent to mars, while the rest of the motley crew was not.

or, maybe they should be subjected to hours and hours of filipino drama/action/comedy movies. yes, you get THREE for the price of ONE!! booyah. and not just any flip movie, but the ones that incorporate english into the titles and dialogue. . .the TAGALISH movies. AND the movie has to incorporate the same central fight scene involving a family gathering (usually around food. or maybe with the dad in front of a mirror as he prepares for battle).

here's an example:

little child: da-dy, i lub you
father: anak, ma tulog ka na (subtitle: that which has sprung from my loins, please vacate to thine sleeping chanbers immediately, as of this moment...right now)
little child: ma-my, i lub you
mother:jeus ko naman, wag kana maaingai (subtitle: now, my deity of the judao-christian tradition, shut your trap)

*note: this does not come from a particular movie. though 'strict ang peyrents ko' (yes, it was REALLY spelt that way) and 'asot pusa' rank up there with the cheese factor.

however, this is a MAJOR digression from the topic at hand.

stupid people should also be subjected to crappy radio for hours on end. the best crap of the 80s and 90s. but mostly the late 80s and early 90s, cause music really sucked then (well, in my estimation at least).

plus hours and hours on end of disney 'feel good' movies (yeah, you know what i'm talking about, THOSE ones). *note: idea taken from 'addams family values.

in other news: because i'm all about the good news these days, i got back both my can. rels. midterm and mark for my hong kong history paper. B+ and A respectively. but i really didn't deserve either of those marks. i chalk it up to the fact that my TA's liked me, and gave me pity points. especially that hong kong paper, which was written in a day (again). not much has changed from the school year.

and i also got my quarterly book bonus. anyone got any suggestions?

plus: *thismuchcloser* to going to summer sanitarium in montreal. i'll keep y'all posted.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 1:52 AM - [Link]

Sunday, July 06, 2003

 linkin park encounter of the kewl kind

i REALLY wanted to go to the summer sanitorium tour yesterday.

then i thought better of it. 'it's just a concert. i need cash to go to cali.'

so i was mad at myself for spending my cash on shit that i don't really need (or remember buying for that matter).

instead, i went to much music for the summer sanitorium 'afterparty,' as i had managed to snag a wristband for it on friday.

what can i fucking say?!?!?

brad, chester, joe, mike, phoenix, and rob are just funny guys!! great too, considering that they had to fill in time for the loser limp bizkit, who pulled a no-show. assholes.

i finally got the balls to ask for autographs and pictures. it seems that i only have this problem with speed skaters, but hey, whatever.

fun fun fun.

but even more fun was coming back home at 4 in the AM and having to get up for work at 7.

i think that i'll get those photos from last night developed soon.

maybe i'll get those chicoutimi photos developed while i'm at it too. ;P

heheh. . .

i think that i'll head out to montreal for the french leg of the tour. cali be damned, i need my LP fix!!

bernadette walked against the wind at... 7:12 PM - [Link]

Friday, July 04, 2003

 friday five

before i go off to to the friday shit.

1. What were your favorite childhood stories? shoot. . .there were so many of them, and i still have most of my books with me. me mam used to buy those huge storybooks with a tale for every day of the year (sometimes there was an extra for the leap years). those were fun. but i was a fan of those 'classics' as well. . .stuart little, charlotte's web, little women. oh, and anything that i wrote, of course!! lol

2. What books from your childhood would you like to share with [your] children? too many to list. but a few perennials are charlotte's web, the phantom tollbooth, and the little prince.

3. Have you re-read any of those childhood stories and been surprised by anything? all the time!! are you kidding me? i work at a bookstore. it's part of my job description. you'd be surprised just how many subtle things you pick up. take phantom tollbooth for example. read that, and you can probably understand why a 10 year old wouldn't get it (or for that matter not like it).

4. How old were you when you first learned to read? i was 3. i can tell you the title of it too. it was one of those 'i can read' books (the ones with the little bunnies in the corner), and it was called 'i can count to 100. . .can you?' i still have it in my bookcase in the basement. it's pretty beat up, but i still love it (though i'm not loving the fact that i managed to deface every single page with blue rollerball pen).

5. Do you remember the first 'grown-up' book you read? How old were you? yep. i was 10, and that year, my older cousin (we're pretty close, even though she's 14 years older than i am) gave me a bunch of her old books. it was the trashy v.c. andrews' heaven. i can't believe i read that garbage. but i did, and thus grew a fond dislike for said author.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 10:25 AM - [Link]

Thursday, July 03, 2003

 happy birthday usa

yep. though a bit early, gotta represent for the country that i lived in, albeit all of a year. however, i know that quite a few of my bestest floridian friends are sure to be living it up, what with the majority of us being legal and everything now. *wink*

but yeah. =)

in other news: today officially marks the over-the-mid-way mark for the summer session. i went to one of the last philosophy classes that i'll ever have to take again for the rest of my life. philosophy of history. so far, i already had a reading to do. he gave us 40 mins. to read 13 pages of stuff. i made it half-way through the reading.

this does not look too good.

plus, we have to give a presentation IN CLASS. dammit. i'm not a public speaker at ALL. granted, yes, i can get up in front of a group of people that i don't know all that well, and talk about complete and utter bullshit, but try to get me to present something 'academic'. . .

i suppose that watching me convulse on the floor is a sight to see though. funny even. shits and giggles.

*sigh* only one more fall/winter/summer session, and i'll be done forever. and it'll be off to japan again. damn, i love that country.

also, GO VANCOUVER, who got the 2010 winter olympic bid. i guess that the investment in my 2010 vancouver olympic roots shirt wasn't too early. heheh. . .guess who's going to be going?

sometimes it pays to have a ridiculously large family. it means never having to pay for anything, and that is always a good thing.

speaking of not having to pay for stuff, i got $200 from me mam's former colleague who has since retired. i haven't seen her in at least three years. can you say 'score'?

or booyah, seeing how that's my word and everything these days. ;P

and because i'm a klepto

alternate uses for crayons:

-ear plugs: because ear plugs are hard to come by at a university. they're either all sold out, or the annoying roommate from hell who seems to exhibit no hygenic traits whatsoever steals them without telling you. not only that, they're small, and could easily be mistaken for pellet-sized carrot bits (at least the oranges ones). crayons on the other hand can be found damn near anywhere, from the outrageously-priced corner store to the local grand and toy. they also come in a multitude of colours, so you can always colour-coordinate. you can also adjust their size to conform to your desired length. plus, if someone you don't like says something to you, you can always say, 'can't hear you. i've got these crayons in my ears.'

-sling-shot ammo: again, hundreds of thousands to choose from. easier to hide than a bow and arrow, it basically serves the same purpose.

-those stupid bridges we all had to make in physics class: yeah, you know what i'm talking about. if you use crayons, not only will they be more colourful, but at the end of said project, you'll be able to dismantle them and use the crayons for note-taking. now THAT'S practicality.

-drumsticks: less expensive, you get more for your money. though i'd probably suggest that you get the hazy (or clear) skins for your set, though if you have coated skins, you could probably make a pretty picture or something.

there are more, i'm sure, but i'm tired and can't think for myself anymore. any suggestions?

best two things i've heard on TV today:
1) taternuts-without a doubt, the FUNNIEST nickname i've ever heard
2) soul [music] is something more than that. it grabs you by the balls and raises you above the shyte-the commitments

bernadette walked against the wind at... 9:55 PM - [Link]

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

 happy birthday canada!!

yep. gotta represent on the nation's 136th birthday.

i remember when they gave out these bumper stickers for canada's 125th birthday. that pretty much dates me.

hope that everyone's having a grand old time. i know that i'll be. ;)

and here's something that i got from here about me based on my birthday:

Apple <---what is this supposed to mean? that i look like an apple?
Of slight build
lots of charm
appeal and attraction
pleasant aura <---what's with the tree-hugging, hippie crap?
flirtatious <---yep. i'm bootylicious, dammit.
always in love
wants to love and be loved
faithful and tender partner
very generous

scientific talents <---yeah, i suppose so. if making things explode counts as a 'talent'
lives for today <---damn straight. who else would pull off two short track events in 2 and 3 days respectively?
a carefree philosopher with imagination <---too bad that this didn't get me any points with my professors

ahh well. can't argue with scientific reasoning there.

now it's time to set up my astromap, compass, candles, voodoo dolls, and chant.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 1:44 PM - [Link]

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