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bernadette/female/21-25. lives in canada/ontario/toronto/upper beaches, speaks english. spends 20f daytime online. uses a normal (56k) connection. likes rugby, field hockey, short track, sleeping.
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Monday, September 29, 2003

 bernadette's log, 13-45-63: detroit whaaa...

though i said that i'd never go back to detroit again, for as long as i live, i lied.

completely, totally, and utterly.

i finally booked the flights for my trips. calgary's not too bad. that only cost aobut $300. plus, i got $10 back, which is always a nice thing. this means that i can go and have lunch for the next two days.

but flying to marquette's another story. i only have the one stop-over, going to and coming from marquette, but it's in DETRIOT.

which means that i should probably wear a bullet-proof vest or something.

but it's sad knowing that this flight's actually better than the ones that i was looking at on saturday. some of them have two or more stop-overs. like, why the hell would i need to stop over in boston?!?

well, maybe to get coffee. but i digress.

i wonder how long it would take if there were a flight that went straight from toronto to marquette. i'm thinking something along the lines of two or three hours. but alas, it just doesn't work that way.

i wonder why though. isn't marquette a hip enough place, dammit?

bernadette walked against the wind at... 1:17 PM - [Link]

Sunday, September 28, 2003

 bernadette's log, 30-41-67: goin' greek

it's ALL about the goin' greek. there's SO much crap to do, and so many people to meet, it's crazy.

not that i've been able to do much partying this week or anything. after all, i'm in school first and foremost.

reason being that i want to live to see 25. and if i fail on account of too much partying, me mam will make sure to it that i won't. live to see 25, that is. for she has given me life, and if i don't graduate, she'll take that life back.

besides that, i'm really getting into my research. i suppose the reason why i like it so much is because i'm not off and running to the library, knowing that the paper's due in two weeks. now don't get me wrong or anything, because writing a 20 page paper in two weeks is totally do-able. however, leaving it that late in the game, you run the risk of not finding any good books in the library, and knowing that some rat-assed bastard has checked them all out, due back two days after the paper's due.

so i'm happy. and i'm not as stressed. at least, school-wise.

in other news: i'm officially going to BOTH calgary and marquette!!

why? or better question to ask is HOW?


god made two beautiful words...CREDIT CARD.

yep. i finally got my u of t credit card in the mail. AND i have a limit of $1500. now, that's not really that big of a limit, considering the other cards that i have have limits of $5000, $10 000, and $10 000 respectively. so i'm quite used to larger limits on my credit cards. what's surprising is that students usually get limits of $500.

and i'm pretty sure that i'll be able to pull them off both. that's why i've been taking on the extra shifts (depending on school), and why i haven't been buying some of the crap that i usually do. they got in the new shipment of stuff at overkill. and i passed by them all. and i was silently crying. for lack of money, and having gone to a catholic uniformed high school.

but yeah. i'm going to confirm the flight accomodations tomorrow with the travel guide at commerce court. it's going to be good times. good times had by all.

but i still need to find out if there are still any people that wanna bunk. i'm not going to be paying for a hotel room all by myself again. chicoutimi was ridiculous. no way, no how.

in even further news: i gave my dog a bath today.

not particularly exciting, but considering that she HATES water, it was quite a trek for me, as it was for her, i'm sure.

i had to bribe her with a rawhide chew first off to even get her in the bathroom. them i had to lift her in the tub. she's tubby, so it was like the eternal struggle (though it's kind of funny that i'm complaining about lifting a 45 lb. dog, when i have 250 lb. amazon rugby women hanging off of me on a weekly basis).

then she kept trying to jump out of the tub.

not fun times had by all.

especially since i had to clean the bathroom afterwards.

just to sum it up: i've had sushi for the past four days straight.

and i can say that i'll NEVER tire of it.

raw fish is my friend. though i'm not too sure if having it that often is a good thing. i mean, it's RAW FISH, after all.

but it's hellass yummy raw fish...guy. *slurp*

bernadette walked against the wind at... 9:41 PM - [Link]

Thursday, September 25, 2003

 bernadette's log, 56-23-91: red, white, and blonde

'alpha, a-l-p-h-a
gamma, g-a-m-m-a
delta, d-e-l-t-a
alpha gam!!'

bup, bup, and BUP, bitch.

so in case you haven't figured it out, i got into tri-delta.

just kidding. if you thought any differently, then you're an ass. =P

agd was my first choice. and i'm in. i'm a sister for life.

i wonder when the whole 'blood-sucking-covent' thing's gonna happen. you know, kinda like in 'the craft.'

earth, air, fire, water baby. hahah...just kidding.

but yesterday, i came late. we were supposed to be at oise at 5. unfortunately, i had class UNTIL 5, and on top of that, i had to run from uc.

i've been doing a lot of running this week.

but i came in late, as i've mentioned, and everyone else had already got their invitations. i had to fill out this cheesy questionnaire before i got my card. THEN, like everyone else, i had to sit on it. that was a pain in the ass *ba-dum-bum-CHING*

but as soon as i opened the card, i knew who it was from.

i was rendered speechless for damn near half an hour. that was a new record for me. i was trying to signal to alert cnn, but it was really loud and crazy. plus, it was kinda hot and sticky.

but i got my shirt and sticker. =)

tomorrow, there's going to be an alum tea-something-or-another. i'm pretty stoked about it. apparently, there's going to be some baking going on. hopefully, i won't actually be involved in the whole baking process, seeing how i DON'T bake, but whatever.

i'm moving into the sorority house!!

in other news: i'm still having those weird encounters with strange men. but these aren't dirty men we're talking about here.

let me 'splain, 'kay?

so, i'm at work on sunday, and i'm shelving over in the lifestyles section, where i can't reach anything, on account of the filipino genes. i had to place the books i was shelving on another shelf, and i was trying to rearrange some books when this elderly man starts talking to me about a book.

i look, because that's my job, right? he was looking for a book about a pharmaceutical company that ran into come troubles with the law and pulled a great big hoax on damn near everyone. what's the catch?

the company existed W-A-Y back when he was an undergrad, going into grad school. i'm thinking, 'well, that's not too bad, right? it may very well be under business profiles. that's where martha stewart is.

until he mentions that it was back in 1945!!

'well...i'm not too sure if we have it on our system, but it may be on the second floor, under business profiles,' i said. we all know that sometimes, companies reprint books. it may have been reprinted 10 times over, for all i know. i'm not a fan of the second floor books (which, aside from business, includes computer books). but i took him over to the computer, and tried to look it up under a keyword search.

nothing came up. that made me sad, because he was a really nice elderly man, and for all my bitching about work, i really do enjoy making suggestions, and seeing people buy books that they'll enjoy (and no, i don't work on commission, so whether i sell 5 or 50 books, it's not a factor).

then i suggested that he should check out the second floor, because if it was anything like martha stewart, it'd probably be there. not only that, but there would be someone there who knew the section better than i would, because i work on the third floor in fiction and social sciences. then he asked me if i went to school, and i said yes, and then he asked if i went to u of t. i said that i did, and he said he did too.


turns out that he's a professor. professor r. baker, of the life sciences department, specifically biochemistry.

dude. so he thanked me, and said that he'd say hello whenever he sees me on campus. it was really sweet...having not had a lolo for quite a few years now, it kinda made me sad (bittersweet, i suppose?)

in even further news: i spent 6 hours at the library today.

i don't like trinity's library. it's smelly (compared to the other libraries), dusty, and full of kleptos.

and the great news is that i'm going to become better acquainted with it over the next year. fun, joy, and rapture.

just to sum it up: i reread what i had written a few days ago.

and i sound very illiterate.

it's really just because i can't type properly. i never did get the hang of that 'quick, ask zoe' thing in 9th grade career ed/typing. i guess that i can rule out my future prospects as a secretary or something.

but back to the spelling. it's kinda like fabolous. 'no matter how chipped my TOOFH is...'


btw: happy birthday, teh. sorry i'm such an insensitive tard! ;)

bernadette walked against the wind at... 1:04 AM - [Link]

Monday, September 22, 2003

 bernadette's log, 93-25-18: it's a dirty job...

but it's not dirrrty. i'm not x-tina.

actually, it's not really a dirty job at all, for that matter.

what job am i referring to, you ask?

chorus pres. i don't have all that much to do, really. at least i don't for now. we did take down names for executive members, and potential vice presidents today though, which is funny, because last year, when i *ran* for vice pres, i was the only one who volunteered for the job, and therefore won it by default. now there's actually going to be some competition for the job.

i call for a fight. a fight to the death. heheh...

in other news: i'm not too sure if i told y'all about this (all three of you), but i went through sorority sister rush (or recruitment, as they've decided to call it) fir the past two weeks. today was the last round before the official bid tomorrow.

now, i've done through part of rush before, with my friend aja back in the day, when we were in first year. unfortunately, i only went through the first round, because i had a lot of other things going on, and for me, if i can't commit to something wholeheartedly, i'd rather not go through with it at all. i don't half-ass anything that i do. it's not fair to myself, first of all, but it's also not fair to the people who are involved or will be affected by my actions.

and last year (second), i was playing vasity rugby. that took up a helluva lot of time, as well as blood and teeth. okay, i'm kidding about the teeth part. but it really took up a lot of time, and though i liked it, i do play on a team outside of school. i don't necessarily need to play with the school anymore. so to make part of a long story short, i didn't have the time to pledge last year either.

with this being my last year as a full time student here at u of t, i decided that this would be my year. may as well go out with a bang, right? and from what i hear, strapping a shitload of dynamite to myself wouldn't exactly be safe. AND, because i have mondays and fridays off, i have a bit more time to do some things that i wanted.

so i did it. i joined, i pledged. i get the bid tomorrow. but it was really hard to just narrow down my choices. there are seven sororities on campus, and in the first round, you rank them in order from one to seven, from the one that you liked most to the one you didn't like, and you get invited to the top five that you chose, or the ones you were invited to. in the second round, the philanthropy round, you rank your top five choices from the first round, or the ones that you got invited back to, and you get to visit the top three, or whatever ones you were invited to. tonight was the third and last round, called preference. you get the go to the three ones that you chose, get a three course dinner at the houses (one house serves appetizers, one does dinner, and the last serves dessert), get to know more about them and their philanthropy, and talk.

for me, it was really hard to choose. granted, i don't think that i would have met any of these people randomly on campus or anything like that, but getting to know them these past couple of weeks was fun. not only them, but the girls that i've been in groups in, and gotten to know well. i guess that's why it's called 'rush.' there's not enough time to get to know everyone personally, or to talk about everything. but it was fun. and the decision was really hard. i took the longest time out of the group of girls i was with for preference. the decision was basically between two main groups, and regardless of whether or not i get into my first choice, i know i'll be happy.

so, expect a short, but pertinent, blog tomorrow. in all caps. in bright red. okay? =)

in even further news: i worked again today. so, that's more money for the calgary-marquette fund. it's actually growing at a nice and steady pace. i'm hoping that my u of t credit card will be coming soon. like, tomorrow, dammit.

so i'll have worked 20 hours this week.

but not really. why?

yesterday i worked. being sunday, it was a given. saturday/sunday=work day for me. but yesterday, i was already running late, and me mam made me deliver pears to our neighbour (we have this hugeass pear tree in our backyard). two really heavy bagsful. so i was like, 'dammit. i'm going to fucking be late. this sucks.'

so what happens?

i saw the bus drive by on my way to the bus stop. and i was PISSED. on sundays, the bus only comes every half hour. i usually leave the house at 9, so that i get the bus at a bit past nine, and get to work with 10 mins to spare. the next bus wasn't scheduled to come again until 9:30, adn i would have been at least half an hour late.

so i huffed home. then i yelled at me mam. i almost considered calling a cab. then mam's like, 'go see if you can catch the cloffside bus. it might be running.'

yeah, i'm thinking. and purple monkeys are gonna come flying outta my ass in two minutes. but i did anyways. and, though 15 minutes later than the bus that i usually take, it came. and the driver was FAST. and the entire subway ride there, i'm thinking, well, if it takes two minutes between the stops, and there are x number of stops, i should j-u-s-t get there for the 5-minute meeting.

what do i find?

the entire staff waiting outside the store. our manager, who usually doesn't work on sunday, and forgot that she had scheduled herself to replace the manager who usually does work on sunday, never showed up.

so, we ended up calling the indigo down the street from us (chapters and indigo bookstores are owned by the same company named, oddly enough, chapters-indigo. they merged a number of years back). they got all these company people over. we ended up opening about 45 mins. late.

i wonder if i'm going to get paid for that hour where i waited outside the store.

and for the record, i apologised to me mam. she had forgotten it entirely by the time i came home.

and just to sum it up: i'm a fuckin' a student.

i've hoarded 30 books from the library, and have gotten started on my research for the end of november/beginning of december. i'm not worried about the research itself. i'm excited about it.

i'm worried about the 30 books, that have a combined weight of 523 lbs. that i'll have to carry when i return the books.


bernadette walked against the wind at... 11:03 PM - [Link]

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

 bernadette's log, 43-51-87: the future is...

not right now, contrary to what you've heard.

but at least i've decided what i want to do after i graduate, aside from going to fiji and teaching in japan.

it's a shame that blog studio was being a bitch yesterday, when i typed up this great post, and it got erased. the lesson is to always bring an extra disc with you when typing at school.

but i digress yet again. i'm feeling like mr. d'aquilla.

anyways, i've decided that i'm going to go to grad school, even after saying over and over that i wouldn't, and i even know what i'm going to focus on.

brace yourselves kids...

i'm going to specialise in...


yep. me. the antithesis of all things flip.

but it should be exciting. there isn't too much that i've seen on filipino history. i know for a fact that the department of history here sure as hell doesn't have anyone teaching it. apparently, east asian studies only concern japan, china, and possibly hong kong. there's not even any real mention of vietnam, laos, or cambodia.

so there it is. my future.

i'm going to be an academic for the rest of my life.

in other news: i had canadian immigration yesterday. in that class, there's me and alison (this is SO gramatically incorrect). then there's this girl that we met last week whose name is anita.

she wasn't there yesterday. but someone from my canadian external relations class was. in the entire summer session, it never occured to me to ask what her name was. and now, it would be really embarassing to do so four months later.

i'm a tard, i wholeheartedly admit it.

guess who else is in not one, but TWO of my classes?

marissa cheerleader.

not happy about that at all. for those that don't know, or haven't figured it out already, i wasn't one of those cheerleader types, and i didn't hang out with them either. i found them to be really snotty and bitchy to damn near everyone that wasn't part of their group.

did i mention that the majority of them were stuck-up prisses?

anyway, i knew that she was in my enlightenment europe class last week. when she came in late, and all the seats were taken. suckah. i guess some things never change.

but then she came late to canadian immigration as well.

alison and i had fits.

ah well. at least i'm graduating early.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 12:51 PM - [Link]

Saturday, September 13, 2003

 bernadette's log, 42-52-39: money whoring

i wholeheartedly admit it.

i'm a whore...a money whore.

i'm not one who's meticulous about picking up my pay stubs. we get paid every two weeks. my record for stubs not retrieved is either 6 or 7. that's how much i don't like picking up my pay stubs. i hate looking at my net earnings, and realising that i don't have anywhere CLOSE to that amount.

damn you, high cost of living. damn you to hell.

and this lack of money is exactly why i'm picking up a few extra shelving shifts. 8-4 on monday, and 8-12 on wednesday. hopefully, i won't have to wear a retarded uniform.

i think that my summer insanity plea's extending into the fall. i suppose that i can kiss honour roll good bye. and i was doing really well too...for the first week. *rolling eyes*

but the good thing is that i'll have more cash for calgary and marquette.

in other news: school spirit rules.

i never realised how much free crap you get. plus, the love, admiration, and adoration of all doesn't hurt either. hahah...at this rate, my head's gonna spontaneously combust in about three days.

but aside from the adoration crap, it really does rule. in high school, there were, like, 75 core people that did virtually every extracirricular activity known to man. i think that i can say with a fair degree of certainty that i was one of those people. except for the crappy sports, like cheerleading (if you're one to consider it a sport), or basketball (which further proves my being the antithesis to all things filipino).

so when i came to university, and having missed clubs days, i felt left out of a lot of crap. that, coupled with my hatred of the commerce and economics program, made for one VERY miserable frosh.

but those days are over.

and i'm happy. =)

'go team...guy!! *slurp*'

just to sum it up: it's interesting to see how very weary we can be of others, without any apparent reason.

today i was voluntold that i had to take on an hour-shift at the sidewalk sale. sidewalk sales are BORING. you basically stand there for an hour like a tard, and bake in the sun. well, they give you an umbrella, so that people that have dark hair like me won't completely fry.

but i was amusing myself with folding a paper multiple times to see how small i could get the squares to be, so i wasn't really that bored. this ate up 20 mins.

then there was, waht i perceived to be, some weird guy who was waiting close to where they had set up the umbrella, and he started to talk to me.

'so...gets kinda boring, doesn't it?'

i look at him dumbfounded. i don't have good experiences talking to these sorts of guys. *see 'bastards, bastards everywhere'*

'nah...i enjoy watching people.' great...now i sound like a stalker or something.

then, it was funny. we talked about a WHOLE bunch of crap. like why he was there (he had tickets to watch a movie for the film festival, but the theatre was full, and he had got to the refund line too late), the state of world affairs, and history. ordinarily, i would've been like, 'what the fuck? go away.' but it was fun. plus, by the time we finished talking, i only had about 5 mins left in my shift.

so, why is that people are so quick to put up their defences?

just a thought for the day.

now for some homework.

err...maybe not.

and check this out... this has to be one of the funniest things i've seen in a while. if you watch the show 'undergrads,' you'll get what it's about. if you don't...

then what the hell are you waiting for?!?

bernadette walked against the wind at... 7:14 PM - [Link]

Thursday, September 11, 2003

 bernadette's log, 53-25-73: the wonderful wide world of academia

yep, i'm back in school again.

when will it ever end?!?

nah, actually, i'm not minding it all that much this year. why? two simple, yet beautiful words. 'NO TUTORIAL'.

yep. apparently, all third year courses don't have tutorials. and fourth year courses are just seminar presentations...with NO FINAL EXAMS!!

can you say 'score'?

however, there's a LOT more reading involved. more reading than i think i've ever done in my life before. well, actually, a lot more academic, analytical, and debatable reading that i've done in the past. yep. i'm pretty daunted by this prospect.

at the same time, my professors for these fourth year courses seem a helluva lot nicer and personable than the professors that i've had in first and second years.

why can't we just skip to fourth year? lol...

in other news: i can't believe how much books cost. dammit...do these people think that i'm shitting money or something? it's bad enough that you're sucking every last bit of money that i have managed to hoard over the years. i had to pay $42-fucking-.50 for a textbook that's 249 pages long, INCLUDING the bibliography, footnotes, and index.

there should be a law against such outrageous prices.

and speaking of reading, i'm actually doing some. for one of my courses, i've managed to read ahead, and am actually on the third week's worth of readings. same thing goes for two other courses. so, basically, all but the fourth year courses.

can you say 'honour roll'?

at this rate, i may even get started on my presentations by next week.

in even further news: i don't think that i'm sick. i think that i just may have hayfever or something. this would explain why i sneeze five times in a row. that's a lot, even for me, and my notorious habit of sneezing 3 or 4 times in a row. it would also explain why my nose is perpetually runny...all the bloody time.

i hate kleenex.

and thanks mam. not only for the potential hayfever, but for my crap eyes too.

and just to sum it up: i think that this school year's going to be better. it turns out that i know someone in all of my classes, so at least i'll have someone to sit and talk to. alison's in canadian immigration with me. we're probably not going to get too much work done this year in that class.

fun times, yo.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 11:20 AM - [Link]

Friday, September 05, 2003

 bernadette's log, 18-53-02: i say a little prayer...

for my lolo. today was the day that he died. had he lived, he would have been 96. he was 3 when i died.

i miss him. i won't deny it. unfortunately, the memories that i do have are far and few between, and as time goes by, they slowly fade. but i do have some of them. i wish that i could have known more about him and his life.

i love you, gramps. you too, lola.

so please say a prayer for them if you can. =)

in other news: these days i'm much ado about nothing.

well, not really. just reading. and being sick. i've been not-too-well for the past little while. i've had this cold that i just can't seem to get rid of, though i really feel it in the morning. you know, when i get up and i realise that i can't breathe through my nose.

that, and the burning feeling in my chest.

and no, i don't have sars. >P

see? it's even gotten to the point where i can't even type in proper sentences, and grammatical errors are rampant. if i start typing in foreign tongues, will you call an exorcist for me?

thanks kindly in advanced.

in even further news: seeing how i'm all about the shakespeare these days, i, once again, don't have too much to blog about. rather, instead of being creative and trying to think of something interesting to say, i've decided to compile yet another list of random things...

-when you're sick, it's nice to have friends who care about your well-being. so i actually have that vic sweatshirt that i was talking about. plus some really kewl soy wax candles, which are environmentally better to burn (they aren't as dirty), and also burn longer than other candles.

-not only is my dog tabaho, she is also a baboy, which means pig. i caught her rummaging around in the basura yesterday. i suppose that this means that i'll have to come up with a new word. it may possibly be tabahoy.

-the best person to talk to when you're feeling shyte is alison. we laugh too much. she's one of the VERY few people that i still talk to on a somewhat regular basis since i left newman. fun times.

-it's a friday night, and here i am, sitting in front of a computer, all bug and bleary eyed. it just goes to show you what pathetic depths my life has been reduced to. damn you, you morning shifts. damn you to HELL!!

-i'm getting a start on being a better student this year. i can't afford to slack like the last two years. i've already read the first three chapters of outram's 'enlightenment'. then again, i did read the damn thing in first year. plus, it helps that i highlighted a number of passages. =P

-it's fun letting your foot turn all numb. when you get up and try to walk, it's kinda like walking with a giant furry boot on your foot. of course, it sucks that it feels like you only have one boot on, and it sucks even more when the fuzzy feeling turns to one of pins and needles.

-what's one of the most disgusting foods in the world? orange processed cheese food product slices, also commonly referred to as american cheese. so, if that's american cheese, should we be referring to those other processed cheese food product slices as '______-american cheese'?

yep. see what not being in school does to me? it makes me think of the most USELESS things.

on an unrelated topic: i've really gotta my ass in gear for that run for the cure thing. i've got two choices for who i want to run for. one of them, i'd rather not say just yet.

but the other is my old dance teacher, mary. mary tiano. she was a great person. when i joined the scarborough entertainers, aside from ballet, i was kinda older (i was 9), so i wasn't as great a performer as most of the other people in my classes when i initially started. but she took the time to train me individually, without charge, to not only catch up with the other people in my classes, but to get ready for competitions, specifically baton. she always had the confidence that i was one of the best students there, and she took the chance.

even when i came back from florida in the 6th grade, and was a year behind everyone else, she made a special allowance for me to be placed in the advanced baton group (where i would have been had i not left anyway), and spent the extra time with me to hone my skills. what i didn't know, and what she never told me directly, was that she was sick. so when she died, it was a great loss, not only of a mentor and a teacher, but a friend. she never gave up.

so i walk for her.

and that's all she wrote, people. =)

and just to sum it up: i'm always interested in who the hell's coming to the site, because in all honesty, i'm BORING. my whole family acknowledges it, i acknowledge it, and my dog would probably do the same thing if she could talk. but here are a few things that people look up when they get this site...

girl dared to fuck i don't get this one. the words aren't even in the same sentence!!

a decent picture of a girl that in 11th grade of a girl this isn't even a sentence. and i've never posted a pic of a girl that in 11th grade of a girl. who DOES that?

"sushi inn" toronto i'm pretty proud of this one. i heart sushi inn. plus, 'the waiter kept his cool.'

filipino cartoonist history introduction is there even such a thing? but you've got to be pretty desperate buddy. this was, like, on page 5.

fat little girl 14 girl y o fuck yet another search that's not even a sentence. it was probably done by the same person. hieroglyphics, anyone?

shitting girl this was a while ago though. i'm sure that there have been a number of shitting girls since then.

uglyfatkid this guy's a genius. he's like the jack handy of the internet.

"little drummer girl"pictures this one isn't particularly surprising, but it was done on a german search engine. i'm INTERNATIONAL, baby!!

rude sleepovers pics i don't ever recall having a rude sleepover, do you?

bernadette friendster the last time i logged on was yesterday. the last time i'd logged on before then was a MONTH ago. so phooey.

bernadette okay. i'm on, like, page 1932 or something. get a life!!

bernadette walked against the wind at... 8:24 PM - [Link]

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

 bernadette's log, 19-43-57: school's out...

for the next five days.

that is what my summer vacation has been reduced to. five stinking days. but it could be worse. i could be going to school year-round.

yes, that would definitely suck more assage than anything that has ever sucked assage before.

but i've actually been to the school for a couple of things, chorus-related. i had some formal introductions that were made with the president of my college, the dean of students at vic, and blah blah blah.

i have NO school spirit.

i'm determined to change that this year. i've got to, dammit. and what better time to do so than in my final year? maybe i'll even invest in one of those vic sweatshirts. this, of course, would deplete my virtually non-existant short track fund.

on second thought, maybe i won't get that sweatshirt. =P

in other hews: because some creepy guy who put his arm around me asked so kindly for me to post a poem that i wrote about a week ago, i shall.

don't blame me if you grow tired of it.

calm and cooling
swiftly moving
currents wash upon the shore
slowly they
must drift away
back to the place they came once more
the gentle air
floats here and there
and leaves a light and lingering breeze
with every turn
i long and yearn
but it departs with happy ease
and so sun ends
it makes amends
with passing of another day
the night is near
morn will appear
as i sit and wait upon the bay

yeah. it's been a long time since i've been in an english class of any sort. i never get how people like to try and dig deeper for some hidden meaning. i'm sure that freud would be spinning in his grave if he read this. well, raspberries.

on another unrelated note: i started reading the third harry potter. i also finished it today. not too shabby, if i must say so myself. i think that i may get the fourth one tomorrow. can't wait to see what happens. i suppose the reason that i was able to read it so quickly is because i didn't have to take notes or analyze it, which is a nice change of pace.

however, this leaves me with an empty void for the next 27 hours.

maybe i'll start on taking notes for my enlightenment lecture.

erm...maybe not!!

bernadette walked against the wind at... 10:57 PM - [Link]

 bernadette's log, 53-23-79: random stuff

sometimes, i don't really have all that much to say.

who the hell am i kidding? MOST of the time, i don't really have all that much to say. but today especially, i really don't have anything that's mind-altering (without that druggie affiliation) or life changing, or even all that interesting.

so i compiled a bunch of random thoughts that were running through my mind...

-university students need to understand the meaning of the word 'sopas.' it's a great food, even if the sopas that i eat consists mainly of noodles. sopas, for those who don't know, is basically a soup made of pasta and meat.

-as i was shaving my legs today (rod inspired me to do so), i thought about the scent of my shaving gel. and then i thought how stupid it was that people actually buy into the whole thing. i mean, i only bought the damn thing because it was on sale. but some people need to buy the same brand and scent all the time. who the hell wants to smell like a glistening pear anyway? and furthermore, is that REALLY what a glistening pear smells like, or am i just missing out on something exciting?

-another flip food stuff is nata de coco. it's kinda hard to explain what it is, but i suppose that the best way to explain what it is is coconut gel, and you can either buy it separately, or find it in halo halo, which is another flip food. sounds good, right? well, it's really the mould of buco (young coconut water). this got me around to thinking of other things that i eat, and like, that are essentially *rotten*, like blue cheese and mushrooms. yes, i like mould and fungus. sue me, dammit.

-speaking of halo halo, i hate it. halo halo is a dessert, and you can eat it by itself, or over ice cream or something. but i hate red kidney beans, which comprises a large part of halo halo, seeing how i was allergic to them when i was a kid.

-speaking of red kidney beans, i guess that my allergies to them as a kid is why i hate baked beans as well. i can't think of a more disgusting food. the sad thing is that in ireland (well, at least the part that i was staying in), they eat it for brekkie. *grrr*

-being choir president is kinda kewl. i now get my own voice mail at the college. some people would say that i've got power. i call it retribution. but in the three years that i've been at the university, i realise that i know absolutely NO ONE!!

-school books are expensive. history is a subject where you can use the same books time and time again, unless they're from the 1930s, or something. so if you're in a history specialist, then it's worth your while to hang on to your books rather than sell them. a book i used in first year (well, for a level 200 course) is one i'm going to be using again this year, except it costs about $1.35 more than when i bought it. doesn't sound like much, but every dollar for extra coffee counts.

-my hair is turning the asian faction orange. this is worrisome. i also want to pierce my nose. pretty soon, the typ transformation will be complete. then, i'll have to commit harakire.

-no, i was just kidding about that last thing. really, i WAS.

-tagalog is, in my estimation, the best language to combine words. take for example the word i made up to describe my dog. tabaho. combination of the words taba (tubby) and baho (smelly). try combining those two words in english, and it just sounds stupid.

-i've recently (well, three weeks ago) started watching paradise hotel. it is the WORST reality tv show i've seen to date. yet, i keep watching it. why? according to the hipster handbook, this means that i'm a hipster. i think that my summer insanity plea is kicking in right about now.


all crappy, all the time.

plus: i should say hello to navjot, who has so kindly linked me to her blog, though i'm not sure why.

but hey, whatever. it's all kewl with me. =)

bernadette walked against the wind at... 12:34 AM - [Link]

Monday, September 01, 2003

 bernadette's log, 84-144-03: hot dayum

so, i'm back from all my drunken exploits.

and i'm sad to say that i have absofreakinlutely NO drunken exploits of my own to share. having a high level of tolerance for alcohol will do that to you.

also, having gone through a rugby initiation will aid in that tolerance.

however, the party was a good one. it started off slow, as most parties tend to when you show up early, and i was there at about 10:30. but good booze, good friends and co-workers, and a karaoke machine will liven up any party imaginable.

and did i mention that there were some hot guys there as well?

it was a byob, and seeing how i'm broke and in the middle of saving up for a few trips, i didn't spend too much money on alkkie. got some smirnoff black, kaluhua, and bailey's, because what's a party without bailey's, right? and off i went.

and what's (still) funny is how so many people are surprised by how much i can drink. some of my co-workers were like, 'wow. i didn't know you could chug.' well, being in summer school for that long can do that to you. i got the same reaction at my high school prom.

but whatever. people are usually so surprised that i often don't have to pay for anything. and that, dear friends, is a good thing.

some highlights from the party:

-paul longo has a 'buns of steel'-worthy ass. he really does, and i can attest to it after having smacked it. so don't let people's physiques fool you.
-driving along the danforth really isn't all that long. then again, there isn't much traffic at 4 in the morning. walking along the danforth after 4 smirnoffs, 1 bailey's, 1 kaluhua, and 2 molson's isn't that long either, but damn the sidewalk for not being wide enough.
-josue is the BESTEST person to sing karaoke duets with.
-julie and julie are two of the feistiest people there are.
-adi is one HOT mofo. i'm not kidding.
-'special' brownies are everything they sound...and MORE.
-rory is kewl. i'm going to miss him. we share a mutual hatred of a certain *someone* who shall remain nameless.
-daniel is a hardass at work. he claims to be bitter. i don't blame him. but he's really fun to talk to when he's all drunk.
-peter seems like a hardass at work. it's hard to read him, but i guess it's all part of being a manager. but he's not that bad to talk to either, i suppose.
-having an opening shift sucks major assage the morning after.

and speaking of that party, here's that pat on the head, linda. *pat pat pat*

in other news: my montreal trip's been postponed. =( yeah, i'm pretty sad about it, but anna couldn't get the time off from work, and though i don't mind travelling by myself, i don't want to be spending all that much money for a hostel and travelling to get there, yada yada yada.

so, come reading week, i'll probably go then.

as a result of my trip being postponed, this means that i have the week off to do NOTHING. that is a good thing. i've been reduced back to part-time status after having worked full-time for the past two and a half weeks.

i don't miss it at all.

i do miss the money though.

but then again, i'm not gettin paid enough to miss it that much.

bernadette walked against the wind at... 8:45 AM - [Link]

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